Rules and Restrictions for Elevators & Escalators at The Moscone Center
Passenger Elevators and Escalators
At no time are escalators or passenger elevators permitted for use moving equipment or materials. All deliveries should be made utilizing the freight or service elevators. Any exceptions to this policy need to be cleared through ASM Global and your Event Manager. Light loads are permitted only on the passenger elevator to the North Upper Lobby, where no freight or service elevator is available, and only if loading in through the front doors of the lobby is not feasible. Failure to adhere to these regulations will result in the disabling of the passenger elevators and escalators
Freight Elevators
ASM Global reserves the right to assign freight elevator operators as it deems necessary. When necessary, Elevator Operators are scheduled on a complimentary basis during move-in/out days based on a schedule provided by the General Service Contractor or Production Company. This schedule must be submitted to your Event Manager two weeks prior to the first contracted move-in day. Cancelled hours and/or shifts will be billed to the Contractor or Production Company for the difference in hours.
NEW for 2021: The Moscone Center will no longer allow forklifts to be driven or operated inside the freight elevators at Moscone West and Moscone South. All freight must be unloaded from the forklift outside the elevator and loaded on the elevator using furniture dollies or a pallet jack.
It is understood that when Moscone Center personnel are not assigned to operate freight elevators, Contractor personnel will be responsible for operating them and must do so in a manner consistent with posted operating procedures and accepted safety practices. It is also understood that ASM Global retains authority over scheduling and priority for use of freight elevators unless such authority is delegated in writing to the General Contractor in advance of such use. ASM Global reserves the right to establish, and when necessary, revise all policies and procedures governing the use of freight elevators.