Water Service at The Moscone Center
Hydration Stations
The Moscone Center has added filtered water hydration stations as part of the expansion project. These units are conveniently located throughout Moscone North and South. The Moscone Center encourages everyone to take advantage of the premium filtration system by bringing their own reusable water bottle. We are committed to sustainability with a goal of zero waste. Reusable water bottles are also an excellent branding opportunity, and an appreciated partnership towards our sustainability goal by encouraging use of hydration stations and reducing single use bottles.
Water Kit Service from Savor Catering
In addition to the built-in water fountains and hydration stations located throughout the facility, refrigerated spring water kits are available through Savor Catering. Please contact your Savor Catering Sales Manager for additional information, including pricing and electrical needs.
Head Table (Speaker) Water Service
Did you know that 10-15 million single-use plastic water bottles are collected in San Francisco each year? While The Moscone Center provides recycling bins, it's estimated that 8 out of 10 bottles in the City end up in the landfill. As part of our ongoing sustainability program, The Moscone Center has discontinued the practice of providing water service at lecterns and head tables in session rooms. Collectively, this will save almost 20,000 bottles per year from being given out.
We recommend that all event planners encourage their presenters, as well as staff and attendees, to bring their own reusable water bottles on site, where there are numerous resources to keep them filled with some of the most delicious water in the country.
For those events that choose to provide water bottles for presenters there are options for purchasing water bottles through Savor. Our recommended process for this service is to purchase cases of water bottles and keep them in your Speaker Ready room where those who need them can pick them up. This will allow those who need a bottle to retrieve one while still keeping sustainability goals in mind.