Room Set Deadlines and Requirements at The Moscone Center

All room set requirements and scale diagrams should be submitted to the Moscone Event Manager forty-five (45) days prior to the event’s first move-in day. We will continue to offer complimentary initial room sets in meeting rooms provided we receive room set requirements at least thirty (30) days prior to the first scheduled move-in day. 

Meeting Room Sets

It is The Moscone Center’s standard practice to preset meeting rooms in advance of move-in whenever possible.  Any changes to initial sets will be billed at prevailing labor rates unless the reset is for a catered meal function. 

AV companies wishing to stagger equipment sets in meeting rooms should clearly indicate this on their production schedule and diagrams. Please note that overnight (after 11pm) resets should be avoided when possible and may result in overtime fees.

The initial set would include any equipment that can be preset in meeting rooms. Equipment set after this is considered a reset, and will be charged at prevailing labor rates.

For instance, if an AV company wishes a room to be clean and clear with air walls open, that is considered the initial set. Each subsequent equipment set will incur labor charges at prevailing rates with labor minimums.

Standard meeting room presets typically include some combination of the following:

  • Space-appropriate skirted riser (up to 5 risers) with railings, one stair unit, one standing lectern, and skirted head table (8’x18” laminate top).
  • Chairs for theater-style seating OR
  • Chairs and 8’x18” laminate-topped tables (no skirting) for classroom-style seating OR
  • Chairs and 72” plywood-topped rounds for banquet seating. (Linens should be ordered from SAVOR…San Francisco.)
  • 8’x18”, skirted, laminate-topped table and 2 chairs for room monitors/Audio-Visual technicians

All meeting rooms will be set with Moscone equipment as part of the rental agreement.  Our equipment inventory includes all equipment allocated to each building.

*If we do not receive room setup requirements by the event’s specifications deadlines, or if substantial changes are requested after labor has been scheduled, there will be charges for all labor to set or reset these areas.

Keynote Room Sets

The Moscone Center’s standard practice for keynote sets is to allow staggered equipment sets at no additional charge (during normal operating hours between 7am - 11pm), which enables AV companies to fly truss and install additional equipment without the obstacle of facility equipment that is not yet needed.

Depending on the size and complexity of the keynote set, Moscone Center typically requires 8 hours to set audience seating and at least 4 hours to strike audience seating. Please note that overnight work (work requiring labor after 11pm) should be avoided when possible and may result in overtime fees. Please discuss any set ups that should take place after 11pm with your Event Manager. 

Any changes to these requirements need to be discussed with the Moscone Event Manager well in advance of the event and may result in additional labor charges.

Please discuss provisions for staging equipment in the room during move-in and move-out with the Event Manager.

*If we do not receive room setup requirements by the event’s specifications deadlines, or if substantial changes are requested after labor has been scheduled, there will be charges for all labor to set or reset these areas.